Oldboys at Fmovies. Now in his fifties, Vagn leads a solitary life and plays football with a group of similarly aged men, some even older. After being left behind at a petrol station by his teammates on their way to a match in Sweden, he encounters a young habitual offender and together they set off in hot pursuit of Vagn's buddies. A Nordic road movie taking in a whole series of comic, serious and, above all, well-written scenarios.
- Genre: Comedy, Drama
- Country: Denmark
- Director: Nikolaj Steen
- Cast: Kristian Halken, Robert Hansen, Laura Christensen, Rasmus Bjerg, Leif Sylvester, Ole Thestrup, Niels Skousen, Bodil Jørgensen, Ralph Carlsson, Shanti Roney, Nikolaj Steen, Tomas Radoor, Jörgen Berthage, Sally Mørk, Henrik Sjöman, Elith Nulle Nykjær,