Psychic Force
Psychic Force at Fmovies. This anime tale set in a dystopian near future finds a corrupt regime in control as it first persecutes and then exploits those with extrasensory skills, harnessing their special talents to create more effective weaponry. Luckily for psychic Keith Evans, he escapes from custody and in time finds an ally in young Burn Griffiths. When Keith sacrifices his freedom to save his new friend from the government, Burn sets off on a quest to locate Keith.
- Genre: Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Animation
- Country: Japan
- Director: Kenichi Ohnuki
- Cast: Kyousei Tsukui, Ayako Shiraishi, Mitsuaki Madono, Ryusei Nakao, Hikaru Midorikawa, Minami Takayama, Yosuke Akimoto, Tomokazu Seki, Kyoko Hikami,